Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Our late but still relevant review of 'Rise of the Apes

I know we're late to the party but fashionably will be our excuse on why we haven't reviewed one of the biggest films of the year...Rise of the Apes.

This film is downright awesome! Based on arguably one of the greatest Sci-fi films of all time, it tells of how Apes Rose to power and the downfall of man came to be.

Based on the Ape mythology of the 70's films we see how Ceaser (Andy Serkis) stood up tall and literally said 'No'. The first of future apes who unites a tired and downtrodden race to power. Serkis plays this role spectacularly, allowing you to really feel that Ceaser is real, granted with the help of WETA (the guys who keep reminding us that they made Avatar) who did a bang up job on the visual effects.

The film is great, the direction is smooth and the music score emotional. It's not a classic but it's one helluva movie. It also is jam packed with references from the other films.

Rise of the Apes allows you to feel real sympathy for the very beings who will one day chase us through the forests. With amazing characters and a solid story it really does match up to the original. Do I smell a sequel? Hell yeah! And does it have something to do with Mars? Possibly. Watch for yourself and make up your mind.

I'm @GeorgeK1988 and I'm down with those damn dirty apes!!

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